Process Engineering Technical Authority - VR/30722

Status: Permanent
Location: Aberdeen
Rate: Available Upon Request

Currently recruiting for an experienced Process Engineering Technical Authority on a permanent staff basis for an E&P company based in Aberdeen.


The Process Engineering Technical Authority will support process engineering activities across the business by providing guidance and oversight of competent persons within the assets.  They will act as the subject matter expert and Technical Authority (TA) for resolving process related issues that have been elevated to the TA and ensure that the company standards are complied with and fit for purpose. The role is fundamental in ensuring process safety performance across the company’s assets in line with industry process safety leadership principles.


Reporting to the CTO, UK, the Process Engineering Technical Authority will have the following main duties and responsibilities:

Overseeing compliance with standards and operational efficiency of:

  • Assisting process design, safety, and consequence modelling.
  • Managing production operated under SCRAs and ORAs.
  • Managing high pressure/low pressure, high/low temperature, and sweet/sour interfaces.
  • Mechanical isolation process.
  • Supporting in commissioning, leak testing, and boundary isolation processes.
  • Managing locked-open and locked-closed valves.
  • Identifiying and setting performance requirements for safety-critical valves.
  • Aviation fuel systems.
  • Ensuring compliance with specifications and standards (detailing all necessary requirements), defining and implementing strategies for condition monitoring, inspecting, and maintenance, as well as focusing on hazard protection and critical functions.


Ensuring the maintenance and relevance of the following performance standards:

  • PS-PRO-TLM-025d Safety Critical Valves.
  • PS-PRO-TLM-044 Vent and Flare.
  • PS-PRO-TLM-045 Aviation Fuel.
  • PS-PRO-TLM-017 Helideck and Helicopter Operations.


  • Establishing and maintaining appropriate definitions for performance standard routines, ensuring they effectively demonstrate the performance of Safety Critical Elements. Scheduling them accordingly, and ensuring they are undertaken and recorded in line with defined requirements.
  • Ensuring adequate and consistent trending of APM inspection and testing results to ensure performance standards criteria is met and the availability and reliability of associated SECEs is maintained.
  • Diligently reviewing vendor and inspection reports to establish trending performance and identify leading indicators that may result in performance standard failures or escalation of MAH potential.
  • Trending compare and benchmark asset SECE performance, looking for indicators to failing performance and communicate with key stakeholders.
  • Being responsible for the preparation of annual SECE and PS reports. Informing key stakeholders on the ongoing health of those SECEs to inform budget planning commitments.
  • Proactively reviewing technical assurance processes, to ensure they are efficient and continue to meet company needs.
  • Continuously reviewing opportunities for efficiency in assurance processes that maintain safe operations and meet regulatory requirements and the prevention of Major Accident Hazards and process safety incidents.
  • Continuously monitoring the execution of performance standard routines through review or audit, supporting assets as needed, and initiating changes to routines, schedules, or maintenance philosophies as necessary.
  • Engaging in discussions with the independent verifier to assess the suitability of verification schemes, and if necessary, modify performance standards, verification schemes, routines, or maintenance philosophies for the relevant Safety Critical Elements.
  • Ensuring technical decisions within the asset comply with company and industry standards, ensuring a safe and environmentally responsible operation that supports the company's license to operate. Whilst also maintaining current and relevant performance standards, and providing technical assurance, support, and advice for the assets.
  • Supporting the competence assurance model in their area of expertise and overseeing the assessment and deferral process within that domain.
  • Engaging in representing the company externally, such as in joint industry bodies and committees. Reviewing, evaluating, and sponsoring trials of new technology to support safety and economic improvements.
  • Approving discipline-relevant technical queries, including deviations to standards, and provide technical input to and approve ORAs, SCRAs, and WMS deferrals as needed.
  • Ensuring effective and timely close out of Synergi and ICP actions.
  • Participating in required technical audits, investigations, and pre-startup audits.
  • Proactively leading regular reviews of Safety Critical Elements (SCEs)/systems performance, and ensure that those reviews are presented to key stakeholders to inform future investment decisions and the mitigation of MAH.
  • Providing discipline comments to AFA's, reviewing and approving maintenance strategies developed by assets, and ensure compliance with all company SEMS elements, HSE principles, safety rules and management systems policies, standards and procedures.
  • Providing technical support to SCE/system owners, maintaining regular oversight of performance standards, review and approve engineering technical documents and drawings as necessary, and identify equipment posing risks to ongoing operations (reliability, maintainability, obsolescence, etc).
  • Conducting periodic offshore observations (e.g., during otherwise planned site visits) and produce timely reports.
  • Mentoring and coaching competent persons and Design Authorities within the company.
  • Monitoring personnel, equipment, and supplies for all scheduled jobs while providing on-the-job training to technicians and operators in equipment operation, service line processes, and necessary paperwork.



  • A degree qualification in a relevant Engineering discipline is essential.
  • Chartered Engineer status would be preferred.
  • Previous experience in a similar role, directly within the North Sea Oil and Gas industry, is essential.
  • Applicants should have previously held a similar role directly with a North Sea based E&P company/operator.
  • Applicants should be familiar with regulatory interfaces, including an understanding of the UK regulatory regime and licence to operate requirements.


TMM Recruitment INDENG

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