Project Engineer / Senior Project Engineer - VR/29807
Due to a period of growth, our Subsea oil and gas client is looking for a Project Engineer / Senior Project Engineer to join on a permanent staff basis in Dyce, Aberdeenshire.
Reporting to the Project Manager, as the Project Engineer/Senior Project Engineer, you will have the following main duties and responsibilities:
- Proactively contributing to risk identification, assessment and management relevant to the workscope. Highlighting any enterprise/tender/project/task risks that you can identify and use the systems available to ensure these risks are recorded in the relevant risk registers.
- Preparing and agreeing with project/tender/study/vessel lead/manager the deliverables of the workscope and meet these agreed objectives.
- Actively developing, using and reviewing CTRs in conjunction with the Lead/Manager for the workscope and provide feedback where work is losing alignment with the agreed deliverables and resources in the CTR. Where possible, delivering all work in line with the CTR constraints and ensuring progress on CTRs from any team members is monitored and actioned as needed.
- Providing technical support and guidance to other team members where relevant.
- At the start of any new assignment to a workscope ensure the duration of the assignment is clear with both line management and functional management as well as the percentage of your workload for all assignments.
- Agreeing with the Manager/Lead of the workscope the responsibilities for that scope. Particularly in a project environment these responsibilities should be agreed and documented.
- Delivering relevant workscopes for projects/studies/vessel workscopes as agreed.
- Depending on the assignment, you may be deemed the best person available to lead a particular workscope. If that is the case you are required to set goals and clear deliverables with the team that you are responsible for including breaking down the tasks into defined deliverables and providing and recording clear due dates for these tasks. This must include ensuring all required interfaces are managed with the required parties.
- Adhering to company policies and procedures and actively encourage others to follow them at all times.
- Actively identifying ways that the working environment can be improved and suggest these to management.
- Regularly reviewing the BMS related to your work tasks. Identifying any areas where there are weaknesses and identify these to management.
- Maintaining awareness of company current requirements and where applicable, the latest industry codes and standards, including statutory rules and regulations.
- Ensuring all activities are carried out in a manner consistent with company policy on health, safety, quality and environmental matters in accordance with company specific procedures.
- Ensuring own safety and that of others is not compromised or placed at risk.
- Contributing to lessons learnt and document these regularly.
- Using lessons learnt and document which lessons are implemented into your work.
- Communicating roles, expectations and accountabilities initially, at new assignments and on a regular basis.
- Interfacing and working closely with other business functions and roles ensuring all common objectives are met.
- Focusing on quality throughout all activities.
- Demonstrating safety leadership.
Key Experience/Qualifications:
- Educated to degree BSc/BEng or higher level and/or appropriate industry training in engineering.
- Appropriate professional experience, the length of which commensurate with the grade of employment.
- Working knowledge of oil and gas industry technical specifications and standards, or best practice.
- Previous SURF professional experience.
- Previous rigid pipelay experience desirable.
- Previous renewable experience desirable.
- Constant and consistent precision and detail should be demonstrable together with the ability to work and solve problems independently.
- Ability to work as part of a team with good organisational skills.
- Ability to rapidly understand and adopt new concepts.
- Results oriented with the ability to act decisively.
- Ability to perform under high pressure and meet deadlines.
- Well-developed Microsoft Office skills.
- AutoCAD skills desirable.
- Microsoft Project skills desirable.
- Experience in risk identification/assessment.
- Possess OGUK and Norwegian medical certificates.
- Possess survival certificate to OPITO and OLF standards.
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